
Local Florists

Since many family and friends of the deceased may be unfamiliar with our community, we put together a list of floral resources. Check out what our area has to offer below.



Warwick Florists

Cherryhill Flowers
(401) 231-5666

Just In Time Flowers
(401) 737-0331

Greenwood Flower & Garden
(401) 739-8290


Golden Gate Studio                                                                    (401) 461-2299

Smithfield Florists

Simply Elegant Flowers
(401) 231-4310

Town House Flowers
(401) 934-1320

Cherryhill Flowers
(401) 231-5666


The Country Gardener                                                                     (401)647-2208

North Kingstown Florists

Flowers by Bert & Peg
(401) 294-9015

The Secret Garden
(401) 423-0050

Sprigs Flowers
(401) 583-4114

West Warwick Florists

Cherryhill Flowers
(401) 231-5666

Ice House Flowers
(401) 822-2525

Quinn Funeral Home, Warwick
Phone: (401) 738-1977
2435 Warwick Avenue, Warwick, RI

Tucker-Quinn Funeral Chapel, Smithfield
Phone: (401) 949-1370
643 Putnam Avenue (Rt.44), Greenville, RI

Fagan-Quinn Funeral Home, North Kingstown
Phone: (401) 295-5603
825 Boston Neck Road, North Kingstown, RI

Potvin-Quinn Funeral Home, West Warwick
Phone: (401) 821-6868
45 Curson Street, West Warwick, RI

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